Saturday, October 28, 2017

Daggers of Darkness #1 - Into the Black now published

Hey Folks,

Just wanted to announce my latest book to be published! The Kindle version will be available in about 72 hours from this posting.

Daggers of Darkness: Into the Black
Authored by Ronald J. Lebeck,
Cover design or artwork by Ronald J. Lebeck

List Price: $25.00
5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
724 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1979233446 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1979233446
BISAC: Fiction / Science Fiction / Adventure
The brand new long-range scout ship, the S.F.S. Nightwing, SLG-78, with its state of the art A.I. entity known as Moira, and her attractive, ultra-realistic avatar, begins her journey with a few of the descendants of the first mixed G.E.L.F./human families, and the rest of her crew. Together they will uncover remnants of the Purists, face hostile aliens, learn something about themselves and each other, and follow a faint trail that will lead to the historic discovery of a legend come-to-life!
CreateSpace eStore:

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I've just joined Blogger so that I can post about my artwork and my stories. This is something new to me, so if what I write here seems a little awkward at first, please bear with me. :)

A little about what I draw and write about, I suppose is in order.

I've been drawing for as long as I have been able to hold a pencil, I'm entirely self-taught, and I've gotten better over the years as I've learned from others and by my own trial and error. I've drawn fantasy landscapes (and real ones), and heroic fantasy characters. I have been regularly drawing anthropomorphic characters since the later half of 2011, when I began writing my first novel (well, it's turned out to be an epic trilogy). "The Sacrifice for Peace" was quite a learning experience for me while I was writing the first volume. I have since written and published two short stories ("The Changed One" and "The Little Mouse and the Old Wolf"), two novels ("Family Tails - The Story of a Mixed Family in the Genetic Age" and "Tangled Vines"), and one art book ("The Art of Tangled Vines").

My stories are about relationships, mostly, with a strong theme of "love and acceptance". I've received a lot of good comments on my stories on SoFurry (a website devoted to anthro art), and I'll post some samples from my stories on here.